Every Month A Million and the Daily Dose Of Good
"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." Albert Schweitzer
Whatever life holds for us, we are indebted.
For life, for enjoyment, for happiness, peace, for well being.
For everything that we have, are and are going to be.
It is a privilege to be alive.
To be able to live and enjoy and give.
From the time of birth, we are in debt to a million influences.
To our miraculous physical creation – a million chemical reactions, transformations and creative forces.
To the people who fed us from the bottle, changed our diapers, cuddled us and gave us the physical touch that we needed, clothed us when we couldn't have done so ourselves …
We could have perished otherwise….
Clean water.
Fresh air.
Warm clothes and cuddly blankets.
Clean hygienic surroundings.
Roof over our heads.
Those who have touched and supported us mentally emotionally when we did not know any better.
No doubt, some experiences may have left emotional and physical scars- but for the most part there was some good.
The fact that we exist in this universe- makes us indebted to the creator who gave us life
Gratitude for not only the good things in our life, but also the problems, our mistakes.
And when we realize there is a loving source behind everything, we can be grateful.
Also for our surroundings, the wonder and beauty of nature that is immaculate.
When we feel gratitude, and acknowledge the source, we allow ourselves to feel joy and peace. We feel complete. The circle is complete. We have been given, we receive and we appreciate in gratitude.
Even the poorest of the poor can be rich if they have gratitude.
For the breath the breathe, the life they have, the little comfort they enjoy.
The little that the poor have is better than a feast at the rich with no gratitude or happiness.
Gratitude is wealth. Gratitude is joy.
Gratitude brings out the best in others and in us.
Gratitude releases the negative and brings in the positive.
We cannot be grateful without forgiving another.
We cannot be grateful and hold grudges and thoughts of retribution or revenge.
If someone has caused us to suffer loss or damaged us or our possessions to some degree and to this day cannot repay, should we be grateful?
Before we can experience gratitude in the face of wrong, we have to experience forgiveness. Of the event, the perpetuator, and of ourselves. Then we can go on and be grateful.
"When we harbor negative emotions toward others or toward ourselves, or when we intentionally create pain for others, we poison our own physical and spiritual systems….The challenge .. is to refine our capacity to love others as well as ourselves and to develop the power of forgiveness. Carolyn Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit
Underlying all this is belief.
Belief that all exists for our good.
Even if something terrible has happened.
Joni Eareckson was able to express gratitude in the face of the most devastating event that can happen – an accident that caused the loss of use of both arms and legs, leaving her totally dependent on another for her most basic needs. In gratitude she has written books on her life after the tragedy carried on living again.
Zig Ziglar expressed gratitude even in his darkest days of grieving when his daughter Susan passed away. In gratitude for the memories that she was able to give when she was alive. And in gratitude to God who has a plan for his life. He was able to carry on living through the pain, and embrace life again.
Gratitude is not an extraneous emotion that can be done with.
It is essential to our well being physically emotionally mentally and spiritually
It is the cornerstone of peace joy and connection to the source of all love and peace,
In gratitude we communicate with our creator.
For all that there is, that was and that will be.
Our creator has created us in love.
We reciprocate this in love and gratitude.
It is expressed in the love we give to ourselves.
It is expressed in the quality of our work, the depth of our experiences.
It is expressed in our relationships- the love we give to our fellow men because of the love which has been given to us.
If we can be grasp this fact, that we are expressing gratitude not only to the people who helped us, but knowing that behind it all, the orchestrating of all events is a wonderful and loving creator, we can continue to have the ability to be grateful.
In the face of whatever happens, there will be gratitude.
There is always something to be grateful for.
Whatever circumstance we are in, food will taste better, colors will look brighter, scents will smell better, water will taste sweeter, burdens will be lighter.
And if we focus on this, the thought and gratitude expands and it will attract more blessings and abundance.
This is the essence of the Law of attraction at work.
In acknowledgment of and together with a higher creative force for good.
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