Wake up each day and give gratitude for what you have. Instead of giving any thought at all to what you do not have in your life, just spend as much time as you possibly can each day giving thanks for all of the people, opportunities, material possessions, good health and any other things that you have in your life that make it so good. It is said that we take so much for granted that we sometimes forget to be thankful for the small things that make our lives so much richer. If you have ever been out of breath or under water for too long, the next breaths you take are that much sweeter.
Tell others how much you love and cherish them every chance you get. You may never see someone again so you always want to leave them by telling them just how special they are to you. When you are telling them how much you care about them and how thankful you are for having them in your life, give them specific examples of what you love about them the most.
Take the time to appreciate every little thing in your life. When the sun is shining, the grass is wet beneath your feet and your dog is barking, give thanks for these small miracles. Every moment we have is a gift. Use your time to show and tell others how important and special they are. Giving someone your time and kind words is the greatest gift of all.
Showing and feeling gratitude will give your life more meaning than you could ever imagine. Share this feeling with as many others as you can.
Everyday is a new experience. Some mornings as we awake the sun is shining, birds are chirping, there is a nice cool breeze blowing through the trees..... Yet there are other mornings, like that of today, when you are literally woke up by the sounds of crashing thunder, the sky is lit up with lightning, and the rain is pouring down. Power surges throughout the house. What incredible power God can display! Nature is truly remarkable...
Each morning, regardless as to the circumstances with the weather, employment, financial challenges, relationship issues, and so on, it is important that we see the good of our situation. To learn to appreciate the blessings that we currently have and get to experience. The fact that we are alive and have the incredible ability to grow, change, love, care, prosper, see, taste, touch, and live life! To have a roof over our head, food on the table, clothes to wear, car(s) to drive, and much, much more!
To live a life of gratitude is to spend time noticing that which you do have. Those in your life that you do love and they love you. All the opportunity and material pleasures that each of us have been blessed with. It is consciously making the decision to love life and embrace change. Every morning we are given another gift! How do you choose to use your gifts?
Many people seem to get caught up on the negative events, or circumstances, of their life experience instead of focusing on all the good. It is easier to see the negativity in our lives, as opposed to the positive. I challenge you today to unplug your mind from any negative, focus on the positive side of life. Not everything in life will be perfect. You won't always be able to keep a positive attitude. There are times on our journey when we will be confused and have a lack of understanding why certain events are occurring. However, all this will come to pass, and in the process you must be grateful for the person each adversity has molded you to become.
When you come to a place of understanding that we are constantly growing, that challenges and struggles are part of everyone's life, then you can learn to embrace these situations. You can learn to live a life of gratitude, giving praise for every blessing, big or small. Nobody said life was going to be easy, however, it sure is one heck of an experience. There is no better movie, than that of the one you are currently filming, everyday of your life.
We are a blessed people! Give God some praise this morning. Thank Him for all your blessings and start to live your life with more gratitude today!
Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change!
James Boehm
A cut to the chase approach to creating lasting change in your life.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Abundance And Happiness In Every Aspect of YOUR Life
By Discovering Universal Laws, You Discover The Source Of All Health,
All Wealth, All Happiness, Joy, Profound Peace, Assurance and Fulfillment.
The Source That Governs ALL That Is, Has Been or Ever Will Be
Contrary to majority belief... Universal Laws are not based on theory or speculation. What at one point was believed to be only theoretical, mystical, or spiritual in nature and understood only by those who learned to tap into the place from where "Higher Truth" comes, has now emerged and become evident in the latest scientific discoveries and is now being measured on a physical level"
Universal Laws, also referred to as Spiritual Laws or Laws Of Nature are the unwavering and unchanging principles that govern every aspect of the universe and are the means by which our world and the entire cosmos continues to exist, thrive and expand.
There are a large and ever growing number of people in the world who are waking up and becoming aware of these laws yet it's still the vast majority who believe that life just happens as it will. They perceive that the various events, conditions and circumstances they experience in life are based on a series of "random yes's and no's" regardless of how good or bad they might perceive them to be or are just a random series of occurrences altogether fully believing there's no definitive purpose or underlying reason why things happen as they do.
I personally encounter and communicate with a countless number of people globally who at some point in their lives come to a place of wonder and curiosity and who often ask, What's the secret to doing what you love to do? What is this Secret Formula I'm hearing so much about for experiencing harmony, joy, fulfillment, abundance and happiness?
The answer is always the same. It never has and never will change.
And the 355 gazillion dollar answer is...There is no SECRET at all. Never has been and never will be. It's simply a matter of choice. More specifically YOUR choice.
Depending on where you are...the kind and quality of results that you're currently experiencing, that may seem to be quite puzzling. Yet it's not once you understand the immutable and unwavering power of Universal Laws.
In fact it's really quite simple...profoundly simple in fact and that simplicity as well as the perfection becomes blatantly obvious once you choose to awaken to, become conscious of, and consciously choose to develop a bit deeper understanding or heightened awareness of how and why these incredible and wondrous "Universal Laws" effortlessly, flawlessly and consistently operate as they do.
Always have...always will.
In fact you don't even have to understand or even be aware of Universal Laws, but it certainly helps and can most certainly assist, enable and empower you to make massive enhancements...experience total transformation even, if you find yourself experiencing "less than desired" outcomes in any aspect of your life.
Contrary to widespread belief there exists no such thing as randomness or chaos in the world. In fact, you can if and when you should ever "choose" to do so, experience the harmony and perfection that such a choice yields.
Consciously Harmonizing With Universal Laws Only Requires 5 Simple and Profoundly Empowering Steps
All that's required of you is simply a matter of doing 5 simple yet extremely powerful and creative steps and Universal Laws take over and provide the rest.
You don't have to know how Universal Laws work or for that matter even be aware that they exist. They are ALWAYS working every second of every minute of every day whether you are "consciously aware" of it or not.
Ok...so what are those 5 steps I mentioned?Well...this section is suppose to be only about introducing you to and explaining the immutable and unwavering nature of Universal Laws, but what the heck, here they are...
1) Hold a "conscious intention" of the thing desired
2) Focus on it's "realness" as an already existing fact
3) Think, speak and act as if you already have it
4) Take "inspired action" as the ways and means to make it a "tangible reality" show up.
5) Detach and Allow the perfection and simplicity of the process to provide the "desired outcome."
It TRULY is as simple and complex as that.
It's more about being than it is about doing which is precisely why so many do so much and experience such limited results. They choose to remain asleep to the power of simply Being.
When you're aware and become conscious of how to align and harmonize your chosen way of being with Universal Laws you discover just how simple creating desired results can be.
Your ONLY job is to clearly define the why and the what. Universal Laws job is to provide the when and the how. Have no fear though, Universal Laws ALWAYS do their job and the more intentional, focused, and consistent you are in doing your part, the quicker Universal Laws do theirs.
And rest assured the process NEVER fails or wavers. Universal Laws insure that as they have for nearly 14 BILLION years.
Ok, back to what Universal Laws are specifically and how they impact and in fact determine EVERY aspect of your life whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally and spiritually.
In essence, Universal Laws, or Laws of Nature as they're often called, are the governing force that determine without fail EVERY aspect of creation including each of the events, conditions and circumstances experienced by you, me and everyone else in the world on both an individual and collective scale.
Sadly, the vast majority never take the time or put forth the effort to develop an awareness of these Universal Laws let alone how to align and harmonize themselves with these immutable and unwavering principles that would, with absolute and unwavering certainty, literally attract abundance or whatever else they might be seeking, to them.
Instead they attempt to seek, find, and acquire Abundance and Happiness through various external physical channels such as working more hours, accumulating more stuff, and in so doing, becoming so out of balance that they become depleted, inevitably developing what I call a scattered consciousness, resulting in physical, mental and emotional overwhelm, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, fear, doubt, worry and a host of other counter productive effects that only serve to create precisely the opposite of the outcome "desired."
They unknowingly and unconsciously, due to a lack of deeper understanding, overlook the inexhaustible and unlimited supply which is quite literally "Infinite" in nature that is readily available, and easily within the grasp of any and every person on earth who is willing to accept it and "allow" it to be.
So, I suppose you could say that "The Secret" to experiencing this Infinite and unlimited supply personally is as simple as making a conscious and intentional choice to do so.
All that's required is to become aware, conscious of and once this crucial choice is made, simply choose to harmonize with these unwavering, immutable and ever present Universal Laws which, in so doing can and will provide a kind and quality of life that is often referred to and perceived as Heaven on earth.
Yet the fact is that most choose not to. It's certainly not because they don't want to experience the seemingly miraculous changes that happen as a result, but rather due to what they have been told and taught throughout their lives and have come to understand and believe to be rational, logical and realistic through these traditionally established teachings received resulting in limiting and self sabotaging perceptions regarding potential and possibility.
They choose to engage themselves in, as the vast majority in the world do, an outside in approach to life, allowing what they see, hear, touch, taste and smell to mold, shape and define their individually chosen perceptions of reality which in turn impacts and determines the kind and quality of their consciousness which as the mystics, sages and masters since antiquity have made crystal clear, is the defining factor as to how each and every aspect of our lives unfold and are made real.
They unconsciously judge, condemn and blame what's going on out there...the undesirable events, conditions and circumstances in the world around them, rather than gaining the understanding that all things in life...ALL things, begin and are made real and tangible in the various aspects of their lives based on what's going on within themselves...on the inside.
Based on the kind and quality of choices made relating to this inner process, whether engaged in consciously or unconsciously, the events, conditions and circumstances show up on the outside...in the tangible and physical world that always in ALL WAYS align and harmonize perfectly, precisely and without fail based on the kind and quality of consciousness that is consistently chosen.
That's what Universal Laws govern...consciousness that is transmuted into energy which anything and everything, both seen and unseen is comprised of.
In other words we often overlook the power behind Being and depend exclusively on Doing all the while perceiving based on our limited results, that life is hard, random and chaotic.
The result of this all too common, traditionally taught and established majority way of thinking and doing things shows up in our physical world as perceived chaos, broken families, rising bankruptcies, ever increasing health problems, war, poverty, hunger, etc. etc.
It is by choosing to remain asleep, failing to understand, recognize and consciously harmonize with the Source from where all Abundance and Happiness comes, that so many seem to struggle so long and hard, choosing to swim against rather than with the flow of life and as a result continue to experience very limited, mediocre and at best "hard earned" and temporary results.
The vast majority have developed a predominant way of thinking, acting and doing that causes them to completely overlook the unerring simplicity of the process of creation...the Universal Laws that govern the process and how to consciously, purposefully and intentionally connect to and align with the unlimited Supply of Everything that can and will easily and effortlessly provide what they claim they desire to experience (and more) for their lives.
They unconsciously engage in inner dialogues completely overlooking the simplicity of the process, perhaps due to it's simplicity and unknowingly, consistently and unconsciously create the polar opposite of the outcomes that they continually hope, wish and pray they could.
Due to this consistent and seemingly inescapable self limiting cycle many perceive themselves to be shut off from this Infinite supply by becoming so caught up in trying to Have More by Doing More that they never find, and completely overlook the simple yet profound and freeing truth of how to intentionally harmonize their internal way of being with these Universal Laws and principles, that once understood, harmonized with and through consistent and conscious application, would provide them with far more than they could have ever previously imagined or perceived as possible!
Yet through a conscious choice to become aware of these Universal Laws...through a simple choice to explore their depth, perfection and unerring nature, the simplicity of life is both revealed and experienced.
That's what you'll soon discover the following Universal Laws and Principles to be. Simplicity and perfection in it's purest form. Unerring, unfailing and always precise in their operation.
Becoming aware of, developing an understanding in, aligning and consciously harmonizing with their tremendous, immutable and unwavering power with a clear and focused intention, can mean the difference between a life filled with lack, hardship, fear, anxiety and struggle, or one of joy, satisfaction, limitless prosperity, a profound sense of peace and fulfillment.
The key to experiencing harmony and fulfillment in life lies in choosing to become aware of and consciously harmonizing your thought, intention, and actions with these incredible Universal Laws enabling and empowering you to begin experiencing desired results which show up in your physical world as the events, conditions and circumstances experienced in each and every area of life.
Make no mistake...
Universal Laws aren't in any way, shape or form religious in nature. They are of a spiritual or holistic nature for sure yet there is a tremendous difference in the two.
Mistakenly, many people, when they think of our Source or Creator, whatever you might perceive that to be individually, believe that you must be a religious fanatic, or super spiritual person to enable and allow the Universal Laws and principles to produce their desires and begin to create or if you prefer co-create positive changes in their lives.
This is absolutely not the case! The Universal Laws and principles that govern every aspect of existence and which are responsible for determining your individual life as well as every event, condition and circumstance in the entire cosmos, operate with the same precise, predictable and unwavering certainty, making no distinctions, judgments or determinations as to who, how, when or what they work for.
They aren't discerning and have no capability for determining what is logical, reasonable, rational or feasible.
It's YOU that defines and determines that and Universal Laws simply do their job to fulfill whatever you choose.
They are inescapable, unwavering and are at work 100% of the time regardless of your awareness of or ignorance to them. Their perfect, precise, consistent and unwavering operation make no judgments or determinations based on your age, color, creed, geographical location, education, gender, religious preference, social status, etc. etc. etc.
The ONLY thing that determines HOW they work and WHAT is created as a result of their perfect and unfailing operation is simply a matter of YOUR individual choice...the gift of free will that's been provided to you, me and everyone else on this planet.
Just as electricity or gravity make no distinctions or judgments as to WHO they work for, Universal Laws operate in the same precise, immutable and unwavering fashion. It doesn't matter if you're young, old, black, white, Asian, Indian, American, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, or even atheist, Universal Laws operate in a very specific and predictable manner 100% of the time. And as a result, through developing an awareness of HOW they work and consciously aligning your intention, thoughts, words, and actions with them, you can and will begin to attract and experience outcomes which many believe to be unreachable and/or impossible and which the vast majority in the world would consider to be "miracles."
Universal Laws produce miracles every second of every minute of every day. Creation is always a miracle.
The fact of the matter is, once you begin to understand the awesome and unwavering power of these Universal Laws and their non prejudice nature, you begin to clearly see and understand that every outcome in life, regardless of how it might be perceived, IS a "miracle" yet many are simply unconsciously creating undesired miracles for themselves due to a lack of conscious awareness and deeper understanding.
Miracles happen, not in opposition to Nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.
So, let's explore each of the Universal Laws individually...become familiar with and conscious of their unfailing and unerring operation, enabling and empowering you to begin consciously creating miracles of a desirable quality.
It is my intention as well as my hope to assist you in developing the awareness and uncommon depth of understanding regarding these Universal Laws or Laws of Nature and as you will soon hopefully choose, discover and come to "know" for yourself, you have been provided the incredible, precious and irrevocable gift of choosing your life experience as you choose.
Regardless of your current "beliefs and perceptions" and irrespective of where you may currently find yourself in relation to the outcomes currently being experienced whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally or spiritually you DO have the power and the ability to Be, Do and Have whatever you choose in life.
You don't need anything that you don;t already have. You already have everything required to experience harmony and fulfillment in each and every area of your life. It's simply a matter of stirring, awakening, remembering and "consciously utilizing" the "Real Power" that's been freely provided to you.
You have been given the ability as well as the inalienable right of free will as we all have to utilize that power consciously or unconsciously which without fail determines and defines what your individual life experience will consist of.
So the secret...the master key to the Kingdom...is to simply make a conscious and intentional choice to become conscious or not.
It's nothing more or less than a choice. There are no "wrong choices" in the bigger scheme of things. Only choices that we make individually that determine the kind and quality of results that we experience. That's how perfect, precise and unwavering Universal laws are.
These Universal Laws also referred to as Universal truths deliver to all without prejudice or judgment, in exactly the same way for those that we perceive to be the saints of our world as well as those that some might judge, perceive and as a result label as bad people.
The only distinction are the physical outcomes received...what is received back, which is determined by individual choice and without fail is only determined by what YOU or any other individual choose to give out.
The Universe and the Universal Laws which govern it serve as a reflection device much like a mirror which ensures without fail that what is received individually is only and ALWAYS determined by what is given or projected out individually. Who chooses what is projected? YOU do.
These timeless Universal principles are exact and unwavering, no matter who or what you are!
If you give and project Love, you receive Love whether you enter a church building or not! If you give and project kindness, you will receive kindness whether you carry a halo over your head or not.(Okay, that's a bit extreme) If you give service you receive back in relation to the service provided. If you choose to project and give out unpleasantness, you receive back things and circumstances that are unpleasant.
Universal Laws NEVER fail or waver.
By choosing to review the Universal Laws provided below, you will have come a long way in expanding your individual awareness...finding the key, or "Missing Link" that so many before you have found to provide wealth where there was poverty, abundance where there was scarcity , health where there was illness, joy where there was depression, love where there was fear and have transformed and lifted multitudes from a state of seeming destitution and hopelessness to incredible joy, unwavering faith and as a result seemingly "miraculous" outcomes and experiences in each and every area of their lives.
By becoming aware of and consciously aligning and harmonizing with these Universal Laws and beginning to consciously, intentionally and purposefully utilize your individual and inalienable right of free will to harmonize your internal "beingness" with your "desired" outcomes, you will begin to know, feel and experience for yourself the indescribable Divine Connection that does and has always existed, but which you may have previously "perceived" to be somehow separate from you and as a result, hidden from your comprehension.
You will soon come to understand with crystal clarity how many have unknowingly allowed dis-empowering, self limiting and self sabotaging, traditionally established teachings which have been passed down from generation to generation to limit what has always been available to you and anyone choosing to break free from the mindset of the mass majority to seek it out and find it.
You'll become awakened to the fact that through unknowingly absorbing and accepting these beliefs and the perceptions they create...what you "perceive" truth to be, will without fail determine the kind and quality of life that you'll be enabled to experience.
Universal Laws don't judge and make distinctions as to "what" you believe but only provide outcomes in exact proportion to the kind and quality of the belief held.
As you believe you shall receive.
What you will soon discover and realize is that these falsely formed beliefs which are directly responsible for determining and projecting your "perception of reality", will reflect back to you outcomes...physical outcomes in the way of events, conditions and circumstances in exact proportion to the "beliefs" and perceptions you hold....that you are actually often times "unconsciously" attracting and drawing to you more of what you "consciously" claim that you choose not to experience into your life!
This information will allow you to, first of all develop an unshakable awareness of the incredible power of these simple truths we call Universal Laws, and then assist you in developing a strategy to recognize, overwrite and replace the conflicting and self sabatoging beliefs held which serve as the underlying cause for consistent and unconscious, self limiting thoughts and "perceptions" of lack, limitation and discord that hold so many bondage, in a perceived world of never enough time, barely enough money, and the seemingly real and at times overwhelming state of continual stress, struggle, anxiety and seemingly inescapable fear.
Developing an understanding of, learning to consciously align and harmonize with and consistently utilize your newfound power to consciously, purposefully and intentionally implement these wondrous never erring or wavering Laws of Creation will turn your life into an incredible journey of limitless hope, joy, fulfillment, prosperity, Abundance and Happiness, IF you will only choose to "allow" them to.
You will have discovered the immutable and unwavering governing force of the "Infinite Supply" of all that is, was and always will be available to you.
By consciously utilizing the power of these simple, seemingly mystical, yet incredibly powerful Universal Principles, you will be well on your way to uncovering the answers that have seemed to evade you for so long.
You will begin to experience for yourself what it means to really live, free of bondage, fear, self-doubt, worry and anxiety. You will discover, beyond the shadow of a doubt that you were intended to live a life determined by and based only on your choosing which extends far beyond the scope of your current self imposed boundaries and limited imagination.
By coming to an understanding of and harmonizing with these simple yet profound Universal Principles, in a conscious, intentional and focused manner you will come to understand the true meaning of freedom, and begin to experience prosperity, wholeness and fulfillment in every area of your life.
Ok, now that you have a basic understand of what Universal Laws are, let's look at them individually and develop a crystal clear understanding of how, by consciously choosing and aligning your future actions with them, you can and if you choose, will, have a dramatic and powerful effect in enhancing the outcomes and experiences in each and every area of your life.
Let's Get Started.....
First, we'll cover a few of the Universal Laws and Principles that determine your individual capability to attract whatever it is you desire into our life. (Each link below will open a new window on top of this page)
The Law Of Vibration states that anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, broken down into and analyzed in it's purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern.
The Law Of Attraction The Law of Attraction is the Universal Law which ensures that whatever energy is broadcast out into the universe is joined by (or attracted to) energies that are of an equal or harmonious frequency, resonance or vibration.
The Law Of Cause And Effect states that any action produces or returns a result or outcome in exact proportion to the act or cause which initiated it. Also referred to as Sowing and Reaping or Karma.
The Law Of Resonance The Law of Resonance is the Universal Law which determines the various vibratory patterns or frequencies which are determined and projected based on various thoughts, beliefs and emotions and the resulting projected frequency which activates the Law of Attraction ensuring that this resonance or projected energy can only harmonize with energies that vibrate or resonate at a similar harmonious vibratory frequency which determine and create your physical results.
The Law Of Growth The Law of Growth is the Universal Law which is one of the simplest to comprehend. It simply exists to ensure that something always grows, that creation is constant and determined by the kind and quality of seed which is planted. In the case of Universal truth this seed is determined by the energy projected. Through it's immutable, unwavering and predictable operation you can become conscious and purposeful in what you project or plant which will determine what you will receive or harvest in each area of your life.
The Law Of Abundance The Law Of Abundance can best be understood by looking at the continual growth and unlimited resources available within our Universe. It is continuously producing and multiplying effortlessly through the power of the above Universal Laws, the abundance of which is determined only by the kind and quality of the seed or energy projected.
The Law Of Polarity Do you ever wonder why in a world of unfathomable Abundance why it is that we must sometimes go through events, conditions and circumstances that we perceive as unpleasant? Becoming aware of and developing a deeper understanding concerning the Law Of Polarity may provide the insight that you need.
The Law Of Reciprocity The Law Of Reciprocity which is intricately connected and harmonizes perfectly with all Universal Law, initiates and creates an unwavering and unfailing process which “Reciprocates” meaning to give and take mutually or to return in kind or degree.
It is my sincere hope that you will discover, absorb, and learn to harmonize and align with the above Universal Laws to bring into your physical world that which you desire to experience.
By discovering and implementing these Universal Principles into your day to day life, you will begin to develop an awareness that you may not have previously experienced prior to absorbing this knowledge.
It is important to understand that The knowledge of how Universal Laws operate in and of themselves will be of no benefit to you. It is in the correct implementation of the knowledge acquired and learning to harmonize your actions with their unwavering certainty that will allow and enable you to experience a life above and beyond your wildest expectations.
After reviewing each of the above Universal Laws, it would best serve you to explore The Power Of The Human Mind and discover your individual capability to begin consciously harmonizing your day to day actions with these Universal Laws to begin attracting and experiencing what you most desire in your life.
James Boehm
All Wealth, All Happiness, Joy, Profound Peace, Assurance and Fulfillment.
The Source That Governs ALL That Is, Has Been or Ever Will Be
Contrary to majority belief... Universal Laws are not based on theory or speculation. What at one point was believed to be only theoretical, mystical, or spiritual in nature and understood only by those who learned to tap into the place from where "Higher Truth" comes, has now emerged and become evident in the latest scientific discoveries and is now being measured on a physical level"
Universal Laws, also referred to as Spiritual Laws or Laws Of Nature are the unwavering and unchanging principles that govern every aspect of the universe and are the means by which our world and the entire cosmos continues to exist, thrive and expand.
There are a large and ever growing number of people in the world who are waking up and becoming aware of these laws yet it's still the vast majority who believe that life just happens as it will. They perceive that the various events, conditions and circumstances they experience in life are based on a series of "random yes's and no's" regardless of how good or bad they might perceive them to be or are just a random series of occurrences altogether fully believing there's no definitive purpose or underlying reason why things happen as they do.
I personally encounter and communicate with a countless number of people globally who at some point in their lives come to a place of wonder and curiosity and who often ask, What's the secret to doing what you love to do? What is this Secret Formula I'm hearing so much about for experiencing harmony, joy, fulfillment, abundance and happiness?
The answer is always the same. It never has and never will change.
And the 355 gazillion dollar answer is...There is no SECRET at all. Never has been and never will be. It's simply a matter of choice. More specifically YOUR choice.
Depending on where you are...the kind and quality of results that you're currently experiencing, that may seem to be quite puzzling. Yet it's not once you understand the immutable and unwavering power of Universal Laws.
In fact it's really quite simple...profoundly simple in fact and that simplicity as well as the perfection becomes blatantly obvious once you choose to awaken to, become conscious of, and consciously choose to develop a bit deeper understanding or heightened awareness of how and why these incredible and wondrous "Universal Laws" effortlessly, flawlessly and consistently operate as they do.
Always have...always will.
In fact you don't even have to understand or even be aware of Universal Laws, but it certainly helps and can most certainly assist, enable and empower you to make massive enhancements...experience total transformation even, if you find yourself experiencing "less than desired" outcomes in any aspect of your life.
Contrary to widespread belief there exists no such thing as randomness or chaos in the world. In fact, you can if and when you should ever "choose" to do so, experience the harmony and perfection that such a choice yields.
Consciously Harmonizing With Universal Laws Only Requires 5 Simple and Profoundly Empowering Steps
All that's required of you is simply a matter of doing 5 simple yet extremely powerful and creative steps and Universal Laws take over and provide the rest.
You don't have to know how Universal Laws work or for that matter even be aware that they exist. They are ALWAYS working every second of every minute of every day whether you are "consciously aware" of it or not.
Ok...so what are those 5 steps I mentioned?Well...this section is suppose to be only about introducing you to and explaining the immutable and unwavering nature of Universal Laws, but what the heck, here they are...
1) Hold a "conscious intention" of the thing desired
2) Focus on it's "realness" as an already existing fact
3) Think, speak and act as if you already have it
4) Take "inspired action" as the ways and means to make it a "tangible reality" show up.
5) Detach and Allow the perfection and simplicity of the process to provide the "desired outcome."
It TRULY is as simple and complex as that.
It's more about being than it is about doing which is precisely why so many do so much and experience such limited results. They choose to remain asleep to the power of simply Being.
When you're aware and become conscious of how to align and harmonize your chosen way of being with Universal Laws you discover just how simple creating desired results can be.
Your ONLY job is to clearly define the why and the what. Universal Laws job is to provide the when and the how. Have no fear though, Universal Laws ALWAYS do their job and the more intentional, focused, and consistent you are in doing your part, the quicker Universal Laws do theirs.
And rest assured the process NEVER fails or wavers. Universal Laws insure that as they have for nearly 14 BILLION years.
Ok, back to what Universal Laws are specifically and how they impact and in fact determine EVERY aspect of your life whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally and spiritually.
In essence, Universal Laws, or Laws of Nature as they're often called, are the governing force that determine without fail EVERY aspect of creation including each of the events, conditions and circumstances experienced by you, me and everyone else in the world on both an individual and collective scale.
Sadly, the vast majority never take the time or put forth the effort to develop an awareness of these Universal Laws let alone how to align and harmonize themselves with these immutable and unwavering principles that would, with absolute and unwavering certainty, literally attract abundance or whatever else they might be seeking, to them.
Instead they attempt to seek, find, and acquire Abundance and Happiness through various external physical channels such as working more hours, accumulating more stuff, and in so doing, becoming so out of balance that they become depleted, inevitably developing what I call a scattered consciousness, resulting in physical, mental and emotional overwhelm, exhaustion, depression, anxiety, fear, doubt, worry and a host of other counter productive effects that only serve to create precisely the opposite of the outcome "desired."
They unknowingly and unconsciously, due to a lack of deeper understanding, overlook the inexhaustible and unlimited supply which is quite literally "Infinite" in nature that is readily available, and easily within the grasp of any and every person on earth who is willing to accept it and "allow" it to be.
So, I suppose you could say that "The Secret" to experiencing this Infinite and unlimited supply personally is as simple as making a conscious and intentional choice to do so.
All that's required is to become aware, conscious of and once this crucial choice is made, simply choose to harmonize with these unwavering, immutable and ever present Universal Laws which, in so doing can and will provide a kind and quality of life that is often referred to and perceived as Heaven on earth.
Yet the fact is that most choose not to. It's certainly not because they don't want to experience the seemingly miraculous changes that happen as a result, but rather due to what they have been told and taught throughout their lives and have come to understand and believe to be rational, logical and realistic through these traditionally established teachings received resulting in limiting and self sabotaging perceptions regarding potential and possibility.
They choose to engage themselves in, as the vast majority in the world do, an outside in approach to life, allowing what they see, hear, touch, taste and smell to mold, shape and define their individually chosen perceptions of reality which in turn impacts and determines the kind and quality of their consciousness which as the mystics, sages and masters since antiquity have made crystal clear, is the defining factor as to how each and every aspect of our lives unfold and are made real.
They unconsciously judge, condemn and blame what's going on out there...the undesirable events, conditions and circumstances in the world around them, rather than gaining the understanding that all things in life...ALL things, begin and are made real and tangible in the various aspects of their lives based on what's going on within themselves...on the inside.
Based on the kind and quality of choices made relating to this inner process, whether engaged in consciously or unconsciously, the events, conditions and circumstances show up on the outside...in the tangible and physical world that always in ALL WAYS align and harmonize perfectly, precisely and without fail based on the kind and quality of consciousness that is consistently chosen.
That's what Universal Laws govern...consciousness that is transmuted into energy which anything and everything, both seen and unseen is comprised of.
In other words we often overlook the power behind Being and depend exclusively on Doing all the while perceiving based on our limited results, that life is hard, random and chaotic.
The result of this all too common, traditionally taught and established majority way of thinking and doing things shows up in our physical world as perceived chaos, broken families, rising bankruptcies, ever increasing health problems, war, poverty, hunger, etc. etc.
It is by choosing to remain asleep, failing to understand, recognize and consciously harmonize with the Source from where all Abundance and Happiness comes, that so many seem to struggle so long and hard, choosing to swim against rather than with the flow of life and as a result continue to experience very limited, mediocre and at best "hard earned" and temporary results.
The vast majority have developed a predominant way of thinking, acting and doing that causes them to completely overlook the unerring simplicity of the process of creation...the Universal Laws that govern the process and how to consciously, purposefully and intentionally connect to and align with the unlimited Supply of Everything that can and will easily and effortlessly provide what they claim they desire to experience (and more) for their lives.
They unconsciously engage in inner dialogues completely overlooking the simplicity of the process, perhaps due to it's simplicity and unknowingly, consistently and unconsciously create the polar opposite of the outcomes that they continually hope, wish and pray they could.
Due to this consistent and seemingly inescapable self limiting cycle many perceive themselves to be shut off from this Infinite supply by becoming so caught up in trying to Have More by Doing More that they never find, and completely overlook the simple yet profound and freeing truth of how to intentionally harmonize their internal way of being with these Universal Laws and principles, that once understood, harmonized with and through consistent and conscious application, would provide them with far more than they could have ever previously imagined or perceived as possible!
Yet through a conscious choice to become aware of these Universal Laws...through a simple choice to explore their depth, perfection and unerring nature, the simplicity of life is both revealed and experienced.
That's what you'll soon discover the following Universal Laws and Principles to be. Simplicity and perfection in it's purest form. Unerring, unfailing and always precise in their operation.
Becoming aware of, developing an understanding in, aligning and consciously harmonizing with their tremendous, immutable and unwavering power with a clear and focused intention, can mean the difference between a life filled with lack, hardship, fear, anxiety and struggle, or one of joy, satisfaction, limitless prosperity, a profound sense of peace and fulfillment.
The key to experiencing harmony and fulfillment in life lies in choosing to become aware of and consciously harmonizing your thought, intention, and actions with these incredible Universal Laws enabling and empowering you to begin experiencing desired results which show up in your physical world as the events, conditions and circumstances experienced in each and every area of life.
Make no mistake...
Universal Laws aren't in any way, shape or form religious in nature. They are of a spiritual or holistic nature for sure yet there is a tremendous difference in the two.
Mistakenly, many people, when they think of our Source or Creator, whatever you might perceive that to be individually, believe that you must be a religious fanatic, or super spiritual person to enable and allow the Universal Laws and principles to produce their desires and begin to create or if you prefer co-create positive changes in their lives.
This is absolutely not the case! The Universal Laws and principles that govern every aspect of existence and which are responsible for determining your individual life as well as every event, condition and circumstance in the entire cosmos, operate with the same precise, predictable and unwavering certainty, making no distinctions, judgments or determinations as to who, how, when or what they work for.
They aren't discerning and have no capability for determining what is logical, reasonable, rational or feasible.
It's YOU that defines and determines that and Universal Laws simply do their job to fulfill whatever you choose.
They are inescapable, unwavering and are at work 100% of the time regardless of your awareness of or ignorance to them. Their perfect, precise, consistent and unwavering operation make no judgments or determinations based on your age, color, creed, geographical location, education, gender, religious preference, social status, etc. etc. etc.
The ONLY thing that determines HOW they work and WHAT is created as a result of their perfect and unfailing operation is simply a matter of YOUR individual choice...the gift of free will that's been provided to you, me and everyone else on this planet.
Just as electricity or gravity make no distinctions or judgments as to WHO they work for, Universal Laws operate in the same precise, immutable and unwavering fashion. It doesn't matter if you're young, old, black, white, Asian, Indian, American, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, or even atheist, Universal Laws operate in a very specific and predictable manner 100% of the time. And as a result, through developing an awareness of HOW they work and consciously aligning your intention, thoughts, words, and actions with them, you can and will begin to attract and experience outcomes which many believe to be unreachable and/or impossible and which the vast majority in the world would consider to be "miracles."
Universal Laws produce miracles every second of every minute of every day. Creation is always a miracle.
The fact of the matter is, once you begin to understand the awesome and unwavering power of these Universal Laws and their non prejudice nature, you begin to clearly see and understand that every outcome in life, regardless of how it might be perceived, IS a "miracle" yet many are simply unconsciously creating undesired miracles for themselves due to a lack of conscious awareness and deeper understanding.
Miracles happen, not in opposition to Nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.
So, let's explore each of the Universal Laws individually...become familiar with and conscious of their unfailing and unerring operation, enabling and empowering you to begin consciously creating miracles of a desirable quality.
It is my intention as well as my hope to assist you in developing the awareness and uncommon depth of understanding regarding these Universal Laws or Laws of Nature and as you will soon hopefully choose, discover and come to "know" for yourself, you have been provided the incredible, precious and irrevocable gift of choosing your life experience as you choose.
Regardless of your current "beliefs and perceptions" and irrespective of where you may currently find yourself in relation to the outcomes currently being experienced whether physically, financially, relationally, emotionally or spiritually you DO have the power and the ability to Be, Do and Have whatever you choose in life.
You don't need anything that you don;t already have. You already have everything required to experience harmony and fulfillment in each and every area of your life. It's simply a matter of stirring, awakening, remembering and "consciously utilizing" the "Real Power" that's been freely provided to you.
You have been given the ability as well as the inalienable right of free will as we all have to utilize that power consciously or unconsciously which without fail determines and defines what your individual life experience will consist of.
So the secret...the master key to the Kingdom...is to simply make a conscious and intentional choice to become conscious or not.
It's nothing more or less than a choice. There are no "wrong choices" in the bigger scheme of things. Only choices that we make individually that determine the kind and quality of results that we experience. That's how perfect, precise and unwavering Universal laws are.
These Universal Laws also referred to as Universal truths deliver to all without prejudice or judgment, in exactly the same way for those that we perceive to be the saints of our world as well as those that some might judge, perceive and as a result label as bad people.
The only distinction are the physical outcomes received...what is received back, which is determined by individual choice and without fail is only determined by what YOU or any other individual choose to give out.
The Universe and the Universal Laws which govern it serve as a reflection device much like a mirror which ensures without fail that what is received individually is only and ALWAYS determined by what is given or projected out individually. Who chooses what is projected? YOU do.
These timeless Universal principles are exact and unwavering, no matter who or what you are!
If you give and project Love, you receive Love whether you enter a church building or not! If you give and project kindness, you will receive kindness whether you carry a halo over your head or not.(Okay, that's a bit extreme) If you give service you receive back in relation to the service provided. If you choose to project and give out unpleasantness, you receive back things and circumstances that are unpleasant.
Universal Laws NEVER fail or waver.
By choosing to review the Universal Laws provided below, you will have come a long way in expanding your individual awareness...finding the key, or "Missing Link" that so many before you have found to provide wealth where there was poverty, abundance where there was scarcity , health where there was illness, joy where there was depression, love where there was fear and have transformed and lifted multitudes from a state of seeming destitution and hopelessness to incredible joy, unwavering faith and as a result seemingly "miraculous" outcomes and experiences in each and every area of their lives.
By becoming aware of and consciously aligning and harmonizing with these Universal Laws and beginning to consciously, intentionally and purposefully utilize your individual and inalienable right of free will to harmonize your internal "beingness" with your "desired" outcomes, you will begin to know, feel and experience for yourself the indescribable Divine Connection that does and has always existed, but which you may have previously "perceived" to be somehow separate from you and as a result, hidden from your comprehension.
You will soon come to understand with crystal clarity how many have unknowingly allowed dis-empowering, self limiting and self sabotaging, traditionally established teachings which have been passed down from generation to generation to limit what has always been available to you and anyone choosing to break free from the mindset of the mass majority to seek it out and find it.
You'll become awakened to the fact that through unknowingly absorbing and accepting these beliefs and the perceptions they create...what you "perceive" truth to be, will without fail determine the kind and quality of life that you'll be enabled to experience.
Universal Laws don't judge and make distinctions as to "what" you believe but only provide outcomes in exact proportion to the kind and quality of the belief held.
As you believe you shall receive.
What you will soon discover and realize is that these falsely formed beliefs which are directly responsible for determining and projecting your "perception of reality", will reflect back to you outcomes...physical outcomes in the way of events, conditions and circumstances in exact proportion to the "beliefs" and perceptions you hold....that you are actually often times "unconsciously" attracting and drawing to you more of what you "consciously" claim that you choose not to experience into your life!
This information will allow you to, first of all develop an unshakable awareness of the incredible power of these simple truths we call Universal Laws, and then assist you in developing a strategy to recognize, overwrite and replace the conflicting and self sabatoging beliefs held which serve as the underlying cause for consistent and unconscious, self limiting thoughts and "perceptions" of lack, limitation and discord that hold so many bondage, in a perceived world of never enough time, barely enough money, and the seemingly real and at times overwhelming state of continual stress, struggle, anxiety and seemingly inescapable fear.
Developing an understanding of, learning to consciously align and harmonize with and consistently utilize your newfound power to consciously, purposefully and intentionally implement these wondrous never erring or wavering Laws of Creation will turn your life into an incredible journey of limitless hope, joy, fulfillment, prosperity, Abundance and Happiness, IF you will only choose to "allow" them to.
You will have discovered the immutable and unwavering governing force of the "Infinite Supply" of all that is, was and always will be available to you.
By consciously utilizing the power of these simple, seemingly mystical, yet incredibly powerful Universal Principles, you will be well on your way to uncovering the answers that have seemed to evade you for so long.
You will begin to experience for yourself what it means to really live, free of bondage, fear, self-doubt, worry and anxiety. You will discover, beyond the shadow of a doubt that you were intended to live a life determined by and based only on your choosing which extends far beyond the scope of your current self imposed boundaries and limited imagination.
By coming to an understanding of and harmonizing with these simple yet profound Universal Principles, in a conscious, intentional and focused manner you will come to understand the true meaning of freedom, and begin to experience prosperity, wholeness and fulfillment in every area of your life.
Ok, now that you have a basic understand of what Universal Laws are, let's look at them individually and develop a crystal clear understanding of how, by consciously choosing and aligning your future actions with them, you can and if you choose, will, have a dramatic and powerful effect in enhancing the outcomes and experiences in each and every area of your life.
Let's Get Started.....
First, we'll cover a few of the Universal Laws and Principles that determine your individual capability to attract whatever it is you desire into our life. (Each link below will open a new window on top of this page)
The Law Of Vibration states that anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, broken down into and analyzed in it's purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern.
The Law Of Attraction The Law of Attraction is the Universal Law which ensures that whatever energy is broadcast out into the universe is joined by (or attracted to) energies that are of an equal or harmonious frequency, resonance or vibration.
The Law Of Cause And Effect states that any action produces or returns a result or outcome in exact proportion to the act or cause which initiated it. Also referred to as Sowing and Reaping or Karma.
The Law Of Resonance The Law of Resonance is the Universal Law which determines the various vibratory patterns or frequencies which are determined and projected based on various thoughts, beliefs and emotions and the resulting projected frequency which activates the Law of Attraction ensuring that this resonance or projected energy can only harmonize with energies that vibrate or resonate at a similar harmonious vibratory frequency which determine and create your physical results.
The Law Of Growth The Law of Growth is the Universal Law which is one of the simplest to comprehend. It simply exists to ensure that something always grows, that creation is constant and determined by the kind and quality of seed which is planted. In the case of Universal truth this seed is determined by the energy projected. Through it's immutable, unwavering and predictable operation you can become conscious and purposeful in what you project or plant which will determine what you will receive or harvest in each area of your life.
The Law Of Abundance The Law Of Abundance can best be understood by looking at the continual growth and unlimited resources available within our Universe. It is continuously producing and multiplying effortlessly through the power of the above Universal Laws, the abundance of which is determined only by the kind and quality of the seed or energy projected.
The Law Of Polarity Do you ever wonder why in a world of unfathomable Abundance why it is that we must sometimes go through events, conditions and circumstances that we perceive as unpleasant? Becoming aware of and developing a deeper understanding concerning the Law Of Polarity may provide the insight that you need.
The Law Of Reciprocity The Law Of Reciprocity which is intricately connected and harmonizes perfectly with all Universal Law, initiates and creates an unwavering and unfailing process which “Reciprocates” meaning to give and take mutually or to return in kind or degree.
It is my sincere hope that you will discover, absorb, and learn to harmonize and align with the above Universal Laws to bring into your physical world that which you desire to experience.
By discovering and implementing these Universal Principles into your day to day life, you will begin to develop an awareness that you may not have previously experienced prior to absorbing this knowledge.
It is important to understand that The knowledge of how Universal Laws operate in and of themselves will be of no benefit to you. It is in the correct implementation of the knowledge acquired and learning to harmonize your actions with their unwavering certainty that will allow and enable you to experience a life above and beyond your wildest expectations.
After reviewing each of the above Universal Laws, it would best serve you to explore The Power Of The Human Mind and discover your individual capability to begin consciously harmonizing your day to day actions with these Universal Laws to begin attracting and experiencing what you most desire in your life.
James Boehm
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
How Much Love Can We Really Stand?
Increasing your capacity for Love…How much love can we stand? You know its funny how we don’t always seek to find more of what’s good for us, what grows us spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Along with Gratitude Love is one of the most acceptable matches to the Universal Law of attraction, an emotion most likely to bring you into alignment with the universe or to create a vibrational match. We all know that when aligned with the Universe we are postured to receive, so creating that alignment is imperative to our success, or ability to receive which are one and the same. Yet we don’t always search for ways to increase or amplify our vibration through love, more often than not we choose to do this through Gratitude, when an abundance of Love is available in every moment, no matter how bad things may get, as long as we are present to receive it.
I don’t think that giving and receiving are things that just happen. I believe that these are occurrences that we create, and we do that through our own actions or through application. One way to receive more of that which will create perfect alignment is to choose a quiet place and focus on your natural breathing rhythm. With each inhale, imagine that you are taking in all the Love of the Universe directly into your own heart. With each exhale imagine sending all that Love directly from your own heart right back to its infinite source… Breath in Love…Breath out Love. If you practice this heart meditation for just a few weeks you will find that not only does your capacity for love grow by leaps and bounds but you are creating a more acceptable state of alignment with the Universe, and with that alignment you are creating the ability to receive. Breathing in is receiving, and breathing out is giving, and we all know that in order to receive we have to give. 2010 is underway and this is a year of great change, I think we all sense that enormous change is going to occur, and I believe that there is also an opportunity for personal and spiritual change as well.
The answer to the question how much love can we stand? Are questions we have to ask ourselves…How much change can we stand? How much can we stand to receive? How much success is enough? And that list goes on and on. Practical application of giving and receiving Love, and creating perfect alignment with the Universe is breathing Love in, and breathing it out…giving and receiving that which in itself is one of the most sought after vibrational matches we can achieve.
James Boehm
I don’t think that giving and receiving are things that just happen. I believe that these are occurrences that we create, and we do that through our own actions or through application. One way to receive more of that which will create perfect alignment is to choose a quiet place and focus on your natural breathing rhythm. With each inhale, imagine that you are taking in all the Love of the Universe directly into your own heart. With each exhale imagine sending all that Love directly from your own heart right back to its infinite source… Breath in Love…Breath out Love. If you practice this heart meditation for just a few weeks you will find that not only does your capacity for love grow by leaps and bounds but you are creating a more acceptable state of alignment with the Universe, and with that alignment you are creating the ability to receive. Breathing in is receiving, and breathing out is giving, and we all know that in order to receive we have to give. 2010 is underway and this is a year of great change, I think we all sense that enormous change is going to occur, and I believe that there is also an opportunity for personal and spiritual change as well.
The answer to the question how much love can we stand? Are questions we have to ask ourselves…How much change can we stand? How much can we stand to receive? How much success is enough? And that list goes on and on. Practical application of giving and receiving Love, and creating perfect alignment with the Universe is breathing Love in, and breathing it out…giving and receiving that which in itself is one of the most sought after vibrational matches we can achieve.
James Boehm
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Love Yourself First
The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself. Yet, how often have you heard yourself say, "I am my own worst enemy"? If your goals involve raising your confidence, ending depression, moving beyond diets or overeating behaviors, or just plain wanting to live a happier, fulfilled life, you have to know what self-love looks like. Learn how to define self-love and then how to bring it into your own life!
Oscar Wilde once stated, "To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance." Love is a mystery and not easily definable. However, it does have certain characteristics. Self-love is a consuming passion for your own happiness. It is an ongoing choice you make to be glad to alive, here on Earth, in your own body.
Self-love occurs when you decide who you are and what you want is important. It is an inner state of being which develops as you decide it is all right to build a kind, sensuous, and meaningful partnership with your self. Self-love involves deciding to connect with your dreams and then supporting yourself with encouraging thoughts and empowering self-supportive actions.
Defining Self-LoveSelf-love is not so much a feeling as it is a decrease of self-doubt and self-disapproval. It involves an ever-growing sense of balance and belonging. Respect, responsibility for self, and feeling good are important values. Self-love means that your well-being matters to yourself unconditionally and in practical terms. The following are some characteristics of self-loving people:
• Self-loving people focus on feeling good.
• Self-loving people allow themselves to be happy and to share this with others.
• Self-loving people tend to treat themselves well.
• They see enjoyment of life as a primary goal most of the time.
• They do not remain in mistreatment by others.
• They are caring towards others. (Because it feels good to do so).
• They put themselves first. Even those they love are a "close second."
• They find a thought that feels good, and practice it.
• They let themselves succeed.
Basic Principles of Self Love
• Who you are is more important than what you are.
• You are valuable. Nothing can change that.
• What you want always matters.
How to Develop and Nurture LoveIncreasing your love of self involves an intention to become more self-loving and then following up this intention with reinforcing actions. An intention involves a conscious decision to be happier and more fulfilled in your own life. You make a new decision to be alive . . . and then accept personal responsibility to make your life a better, more enjoyable experience. It may take considerable effort to pry yourself out of a life that feels less than joyful, but it is entirely possible to have the kind of life you want for yourself. Below are some practical ideas of how to begin expanding your love of self:
• Acknowledge and verbally praise yourself.
• Have fun more often.
• Learn new ways to relax and release tension.
• Practice conscious, deep, full-bodied breathing several times each day.
• Think inspiring thoughts.
• Instead of always focusing on the problem, decide to focus on desired outcomes.
• Fill your life with beauty, such as times of silence, beautiful music, flowers.
• Raise your confidence by taking daily small, achievable actions steps that support your goal.
• Acknowledge your efforts and your successes.
• Reward yourself daily.
• Listen to your intuition and then follow it.
• Let yourself succeed.
• Nurture yourself by imagining desired outcomes to life's situations.
• Offer yourself affection in many, many different ways.
• Choose to think thoughts that bring inner peace (rather than worry).
• Remember and feel gratitude.
Love may be a mystery. The good news is that the art of increasing self-love is not so mysterious. In fact, it is something you can learn through knowledge and practice. Imagine your self-love as a seed inside of you. Even if it is just a tiny, unnourished, seed right now, you have the ability to grow that seed into something spectacular. The growth of your self-love is not going to happen overnight. However, by taking certain actions, your seed will most assuredly grow. Today, make a commitment to yourself to nurture your inner seed of love. Ask yourself, "How can I be more loving to myself today?" Use your imagination and come up with several possibilities. Then, follow through with your thoughts and put them into action. Do this every day, and watch as you begin to create the loving life you deserve.
James Boehm
Oscar Wilde once stated, "To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance." Love is a mystery and not easily definable. However, it does have certain characteristics. Self-love is a consuming passion for your own happiness. It is an ongoing choice you make to be glad to alive, here on Earth, in your own body.
Self-love occurs when you decide who you are and what you want is important. It is an inner state of being which develops as you decide it is all right to build a kind, sensuous, and meaningful partnership with your self. Self-love involves deciding to connect with your dreams and then supporting yourself with encouraging thoughts and empowering self-supportive actions.
Defining Self-LoveSelf-love is not so much a feeling as it is a decrease of self-doubt and self-disapproval. It involves an ever-growing sense of balance and belonging. Respect, responsibility for self, and feeling good are important values. Self-love means that your well-being matters to yourself unconditionally and in practical terms. The following are some characteristics of self-loving people:
• Self-loving people focus on feeling good.
• Self-loving people allow themselves to be happy and to share this with others.
• Self-loving people tend to treat themselves well.
• They see enjoyment of life as a primary goal most of the time.
• They do not remain in mistreatment by others.
• They are caring towards others. (Because it feels good to do so).
• They put themselves first. Even those they love are a "close second."
• They find a thought that feels good, and practice it.
• They let themselves succeed.
Basic Principles of Self Love
• Who you are is more important than what you are.
• You are valuable. Nothing can change that.
• What you want always matters.
How to Develop and Nurture LoveIncreasing your love of self involves an intention to become more self-loving and then following up this intention with reinforcing actions. An intention involves a conscious decision to be happier and more fulfilled in your own life. You make a new decision to be alive . . . and then accept personal responsibility to make your life a better, more enjoyable experience. It may take considerable effort to pry yourself out of a life that feels less than joyful, but it is entirely possible to have the kind of life you want for yourself. Below are some practical ideas of how to begin expanding your love of self:
• Acknowledge and verbally praise yourself.
• Have fun more often.
• Learn new ways to relax and release tension.
• Practice conscious, deep, full-bodied breathing several times each day.
• Think inspiring thoughts.
• Instead of always focusing on the problem, decide to focus on desired outcomes.
• Fill your life with beauty, such as times of silence, beautiful music, flowers.
• Raise your confidence by taking daily small, achievable actions steps that support your goal.
• Acknowledge your efforts and your successes.
• Reward yourself daily.
• Listen to your intuition and then follow it.
• Let yourself succeed.
• Nurture yourself by imagining desired outcomes to life's situations.
• Offer yourself affection in many, many different ways.
• Choose to think thoughts that bring inner peace (rather than worry).
• Remember and feel gratitude.
Love may be a mystery. The good news is that the art of increasing self-love is not so mysterious. In fact, it is something you can learn through knowledge and practice. Imagine your self-love as a seed inside of you. Even if it is just a tiny, unnourished, seed right now, you have the ability to grow that seed into something spectacular. The growth of your self-love is not going to happen overnight. However, by taking certain actions, your seed will most assuredly grow. Today, make a commitment to yourself to nurture your inner seed of love. Ask yourself, "How can I be more loving to myself today?" Use your imagination and come up with several possibilities. Then, follow through with your thoughts and put them into action. Do this every day, and watch as you begin to create the loving life you deserve.
James Boehm
Sunday, July 1, 2012
How to Live in the Moment
Living in the moment is all about living like there's no tomorrow. It takes practice but in the end, you'll lead a fuller life. To do this you must realize beauty in every moment, and in everyday activities. This is your life, now live!
1. Take notice of the world around you. No matter what you're doing, try to find something beautiful around you. Maybe on your way to work or school, you go over a beautiful bridge, or you get a view of the sunrise behind the city buildings. Realizing these small things can bring life and happiness even to the most boring or routine days. Be thankful for those little things.
2. Focus on whatever you're doing. Even if you're just walking, or wiping the counter, or shuffling cards - how does it feel? There's probably some kind of commentary spinning through your mind, and it probably has to do with something other than what you're doing. Let those thoughts go and focus on what is (not what was, or what could be). In Buddhism, this is referred to as mindfulness. Pay attention to your senses - touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste. Pretend it's the very last time you'll ever experience whatever you're experiencing. Have you ever been so engrossed in something that it seemed like the rest of the world just disappeared? Living in the moment is about creating that state of mind at any time. Slow down, and try to savor the present.
3. Smile when you wake up. You can set the tone of appreciation and awareness for the next 24 hours by simply waking up and smiling. Don't wake up with a groan and a smash of your alarm clock. There's scientific proof that the expressions that you make with your face can actually influence how you feel. In particular, true happiness is most closely tied to a Duchenne smile which involves smiling with your eyes, as well as your mouth.
4. Commit random, spontaneous acts of kindness. Whether it's donating 1 dollar to a fund at the pharmacy, picking up litter, or helping victims of natural disasters, keep alert in every moment of your day for some way in which you can make the world a better place. Even the smallest thing, like complimenting someone, can bring joy. It's the most spontaneous and unexpected acts of kindness that produce the greatest impact, and you can't be sensitive to those kinds of opportunities unless you're living in the moment.
5. Minimize activities that dull your awareness of the moment. What are you doing that tempts your mind to run away from the present? For most people, watching television puts you in a passive state of mind, and time slips right by. Daydreaming and getting lost in a good movie or book isn't bad, but it's not living in the moment because it places your concentration on something that isn't right here, right now; it's a form of escapism. Don't zone out; zone in. Do things that are active, and that encourage you to look around and engage the world in that moment. Gardening, playing a game, knitting, and playing an instrument are all activities that lend themselves to mindfulness. So get off the computer after reading this article!
6. Be Thankful for what is. When you find yourself wishing for something you don't have, or wishing your life would be different, start your quest for your wish by being thankful for what is already in your life. This will bring you back to the present moment. Make a list of what you are thankful for right now even if all you can think of is that you are alive and can breathe. You don't want to miss the gifts right in front of you, because you are always looking beyond what is in the present moment to what once was or what might be. If you are thankful for what is, you'll be happy to be in the moment instead of some place else.
James Boehm
1. Take notice of the world around you. No matter what you're doing, try to find something beautiful around you. Maybe on your way to work or school, you go over a beautiful bridge, or you get a view of the sunrise behind the city buildings. Realizing these small things can bring life and happiness even to the most boring or routine days. Be thankful for those little things.
2. Focus on whatever you're doing. Even if you're just walking, or wiping the counter, or shuffling cards - how does it feel? There's probably some kind of commentary spinning through your mind, and it probably has to do with something other than what you're doing. Let those thoughts go and focus on what is (not what was, or what could be). In Buddhism, this is referred to as mindfulness. Pay attention to your senses - touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste. Pretend it's the very last time you'll ever experience whatever you're experiencing. Have you ever been so engrossed in something that it seemed like the rest of the world just disappeared? Living in the moment is about creating that state of mind at any time. Slow down, and try to savor the present.
3. Smile when you wake up. You can set the tone of appreciation and awareness for the next 24 hours by simply waking up and smiling. Don't wake up with a groan and a smash of your alarm clock. There's scientific proof that the expressions that you make with your face can actually influence how you feel. In particular, true happiness is most closely tied to a Duchenne smile which involves smiling with your eyes, as well as your mouth.
4. Commit random, spontaneous acts of kindness. Whether it's donating 1 dollar to a fund at the pharmacy, picking up litter, or helping victims of natural disasters, keep alert in every moment of your day for some way in which you can make the world a better place. Even the smallest thing, like complimenting someone, can bring joy. It's the most spontaneous and unexpected acts of kindness that produce the greatest impact, and you can't be sensitive to those kinds of opportunities unless you're living in the moment.
5. Minimize activities that dull your awareness of the moment. What are you doing that tempts your mind to run away from the present? For most people, watching television puts you in a passive state of mind, and time slips right by. Daydreaming and getting lost in a good movie or book isn't bad, but it's not living in the moment because it places your concentration on something that isn't right here, right now; it's a form of escapism. Don't zone out; zone in. Do things that are active, and that encourage you to look around and engage the world in that moment. Gardening, playing a game, knitting, and playing an instrument are all activities that lend themselves to mindfulness. So get off the computer after reading this article!
6. Be Thankful for what is. When you find yourself wishing for something you don't have, or wishing your life would be different, start your quest for your wish by being thankful for what is already in your life. This will bring you back to the present moment. Make a list of what you are thankful for right now even if all you can think of is that you are alive and can breathe. You don't want to miss the gifts right in front of you, because you are always looking beyond what is in the present moment to what once was or what might be. If you are thankful for what is, you'll be happy to be in the moment instead of some place else.
James Boehm
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